Social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenia patients: relationship with symptomatic remission and duration of illness

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 2


Aim . The assessment of social functioning and subjective quality of life in relation to symptomatic remission in schizophrenia patients after a first psychiatric hospitalization, as well as the analysis of connection between intensity of psychopathological symptoms and the level of functioning and quality of life, taking into account the status of remission and duration of illness. Methods . Sixty-four patients were assessed, at 13 months (1st examination) and at mean 8 years (2nd examination) after the first hospitalization, and compared with two control groups of healthy persons. The following scales were used: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Social Functioning Scale (SFS), WHO Quality of Life (WHOQoL - Bref) scale and Global Assessment Scale (GAS). Results . At first examination, the score of SFS domains was not significantly differ - ent between patients in remission and without remission while the score of most domains of WHOQoL was significantly higher in patients with remission. At second examination, the scores of both SFS and WHOQoL were significantly higher in patients with remission and did not differ significantly from healthy persons. In both examinations, significant cor - relations between PANSS and SFS and WHOQoL scores were found, especially in patients without remission. Conclusions . At mean 8 years after first psychiatric hospitalization, 2/3 of the patients with schizophrenia did not get a symptomatic remission and had worse social functioning and quality of life compared to patients with remission and to healthy controls. Psychopathologi - cal symptoms correlated significantly with social functioning and quality of life, especially among patients without remission.

Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Górna, Jan Jaracz, Barbara Grabowska-Fudala, Janusz Rybakowski


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How To Cite

Krystyna Górna, Jan Jaracz, Barbara Grabowska-Fudala, Janusz Rybakowski (2014). Social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenia patients: relationship with symptomatic remission and duration of illness. Psychiatria Polska, 48(2), 277-288.