
The article deals with the investigation of the problem of social group as organized system. The results of the scientific sources analysis testify about the fact that nowadays the problem of management providing of group development in the organization has not been investigated up-to-the level. That is why it is essential to study the social group as organized system not as isolated phenomena but as the interrelated processes of social interaction. The article aim is to reveal the psychological peculiarities of the organization and group dynamics for the rising in effectiveness of personnel organization and management of social group as organized system. The knowledge of these aspects will give a manager the opportunity to regulate group processes and influence upon group dynamics for its effective organization and development. In the investigation the socio-psychological regularities and mechanisms of group functioning have been taking into consideration. The group nature as the phenomenon and socio-psychological determinants of group dynamics on the grounds of group activity organization and individuals interaction have been analyzed. The peculiarities of group leadership providing have been revealed. The socio-psychological determinants of group influence upon individual in the context of group dynamics have been determined.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Volobuieva


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How To Cite

Olena Volobuieva (2018). SOCIAL GROUP AS ORGANIZED SYSTEM: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT. Міжнародний науковий журнал "ОСВІТА І НАУКА", 2(25), 80-86.