Social ideal: some Peculiar Features of its Understanding in the Ancient World

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


In the article there is analyzed the ideal state system problem, the latter having been the core problematic point for the ancient philosophers. For the first time, the problem had been set by sophists. Some of them considered legal provisions to be artificial vs. necessary orders of nature. The other group came to a conclusion that it is necessary to lay down the laws to correlate with the utilitarian human needs including those based on justice and others virtues. In Plato’s works the problem of correspondence between a person and the society is balanced in favor of the society, and it is typical for the ideals of a traditional society. Contrary to Plato’s view, Aristotle’s concept of an ideal society is considered impossible without private property. The vector of state crisis having become acute and in-depth, the question on social ideal reverted to the human priority in the correlation of a person and the state, thus implementing priority of personal freedoms, interests and needs. Hellenistic worldview was formed under the relevant influence of the fact that both Plato's ideas and Aristotle's ones had remained without any practical achievements. There is also stated that the question on an ideal social organization depended on the historical context and social-ethical provisions having been postulated by the authors under analysis.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Dzioban


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How To Cite

Oleksandr Dzioban (2016). Social ideal: some Peculiar Features of its Understanding in the Ancient World. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 56-68.