Social isolation of the families of disabled children with TBI
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 4
[b]Background.[/b] The problems involved in the care ofa child after TBI affect not only the patient, but also the immediate family, which is exposed to instability and stress. In order to minimize the impact ofgrowing tension in the family, rehabilitation ofthe injured child should include elements of therapy for caregivers. The purpose of our study was to assess the effectiveness of the Academy of Life, a program ofcognitive, emotional, and social therapy aimed at reducing social isolation and reintegrating family bonds. [b]Material and methods.[/b] We examined 30 couples with a TBI child, all of whom were enrolled in the Academy ofLife. The research methods included documentation analysis, structured interviews with the caregivers, the Self-Assessment Scalę of Cognitive, Emotional and Vegetative Disturbances, and the Social Isolation Scalę. The subjects were examined before and after therapy. [b]Results.[/b] In the first examination, the caregivers reported problems in all tested areas: cognitive, emotional, and vegetative. In contacts with outsiders, they often encountered hostility or social ostracism. The most common form ofsupport offered by others was pity or unwanted interference. In respect to social isolation, all our subjects emphasized feelings of loneliness, sadness, and a hostile environment. As a result ofcaregiver therapy in the Academy ofLife, all these symptoms decreased significantly, though feelings of insecurity lack ofsupport and social isolation often persisted. [b]Conclusions.[/b] Our results suggest that the Academy ofLife can be very effective in therapy for the caregivers of TBI children. The program significantly mitigates the negative impact ofchildhood TBI on the functioning ofthe entire family.
Authors and Affiliations
Leszek Buliński
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