
Threats and challenges of the modern world put forward ever increasing demands as to a military professional’s individuality, his/her occupational, moral and psychological qualities. In this context the problem of a military professional’s social responsibility is of particular importance. In order to resolve it the essence of social responsibility is to be determined. The issue of servicepersons’ social responsibility has been highlighted in a number of works by both Ukrainian and foreign researchers. In particular, O. Petrov, S. Karpukhin, Yu. Chernavin, Ye. Kireev, O. Glasunov and some others initiated its scientific foregrounding, singled out some important aspects and ways of their further investigation. At the same time, the question of the essence of the social responsibility of a military professional’s individuality still remains unresolved. The initial point for the analysis of the essence of the social responsibility of a military professional’s individuality lies in understanding it as a specific manifestation of the social responsibility of social subjects which reflects its ontological traits and particularities. However, it’s necessary to state that among the scientists there is no mutual understanding as to the essence of the social responsibility of social subjects. The main difficulty here lies in understanding the essence and the meaning of the notions of «responsibility», «social responsibility» and «social subject’s social responsibility». According to this, the analysis of servicepersons’ social responsibility first of all requires the clarification of these notions by determining their categorical status. From the standpoint of hermeneutics methodology the introduction of the notion of social responsibility came as a logical consequence of scientific investigation of the problem of responsibility in general. Thus, it was initiated by the fact that responsibility cannot be reduced to social sanctions and mutual demands alone. Social responsibility is the way of social existence, and of relations among social subjects (people, social and sociopolitical institutions). In this respect it does not equal responsibility as a sum of certain sanctions but has its own meaning. The meaning of social responsibility reflects two aspects of cooperation among social subjects: the character of social subject’s fulfillment of its destination and duties; social sanctions applied against social subject by society for social consequences of its activity or inactivity. The notion of «social subject’s social responsibility» (including servicepersons) – is the one that reflects one of the aspects of social responsibility, namely the attitude of the social subject towards the implementation of its mission and destination, fulfillment of its civil and professional duties. From the standpoint of gnosiological approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as a social phenomenon, whose evolution and development are determined by the place, role and function of the Armed Forces, historical mission of servicepersons and their social-typological characteristics as a specific professional group in the society. From the standpoint of ontological approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as a social quality whose aim lies in the attitude to the realization of servicepersons’ destination and mission as well as in the fulfillment of civil and military duties. According to the structural-functional approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as a synthesizing component of the system of subject’s relations with the surrounding world, as a system-building element and as a system of coordinates for public life, grounded on the degree of subject’s identification with society, its understanding of the essence of life, historical mission and determines the content and direction, way and character of an individual’s life as well as life of communities in different spheres of social being. According to the sociological approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as a social responsibility of different groups of servicepersons depending on their categories. Separate elements of servicepersons social responsibility act as dominant components which acquire corresponding status under corresponding circumstances. According to the axiological approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as an important military-professional and social value that synthesizes servicepersons’ system of values and stands up as their embodiment into servicepersons’ lives. From the standpoint of synergetic approach social responsibility of the military professional is seen as a system with the following characteristics: openness and nonlinearity of development; changeability and steadiness; subordination to randomness in the general process of functioning and development; subordination to random impact on the process of natural functioning and development; choice of the development direction; alternativeness of development directions; existence of social responsibility’s own development tendencies as a self-organizing system; controlled development under self-organizing conditions. Thus, we can claim that social responsibility of the military professional is his/her attitude to fulfilling civil and military duties determined by the place and role of servicepersons in the life of the society and by the Armed Forces functions. Social responsibility is implemented in the choice of the action and behavior modes.

Authors and Affiliations

П. Квіткін, І. Дятлова


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  • EP ID EP181549
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.32.101707
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П. Квіткін, І. Дятлова (2017). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MILITARY PROFESSIONAL. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 1(32), 103-110.