Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
Здійснено аналіз індикаторів соціальної безпеки держави, виявлено найважливіші загрози соціальній безпеці. Визначено основи соціальної відповідальності держави у сфері соціальної безпеки, напрями активізації процесів у галузі соціальної відповідальності бізнесу. Виявлено об’єктивні чинники низького рівня соціальної відповідальності населення. Окреслено стратегічні пріоритети соціальної відповідальності суб’єктів соціальної безпеки. The analysis of social security indicators is done in the article. The major threats to social security: the poverty of population, a sharp increase in stratification and social inequality, the ineffectiveness of public policies to improve labour incomes, the discrepancy of health care reform and social protection of population by transformational change in the state is find out. The necessity of using in social security providing practice of the state social responsibility is substantiated, the legal and organizational administrative levers of its application is defined. Dialectical categories relationship of "responsibility" and "social responsibility" is disclosed in the article. On the basis of existing approaches generalization to the conceptual apparatus is suggested under social responsibility to provide social security to realize a system activity, that includes not only the understanding and acceptance of socially important interests of social security providing entities, but also a willingness to prevent risks and threats, minimize their impact by providing for the consequences of such activities. Separation of three social responsibility types: social responsibility of business, government and human rights is focused in the study. The state social responsibility is to develop and implement internal and external social and economic policy. The necessity of determining the economy priority sectors and ensure its competitiveness in the international markets on the basis of innovative development as a prerequisite for improving the citizens life quality and social security ensuring. Principles of state social responsibility of social security sphere, directions of processes activization in sphere of social responsibility of business is determined. The main condition for socially responsible business is to implement good business practice in relation to the main groups of stakeholders, and the underlying level of compliance with the legislation of Ukraine is proved in the article. Objective factors of low social responsibility level of Ukrainian population. Social person responsibility of European life standards implementation in Ukraine lies in realizing of new challenges and forming in each of us the personal responsibility and socially responsible behavior, including in relation to itself is substantiated. It was established that An important threat to the pension ensuring system is still responsibility transposition for future pension ensuring of Ukrainian citizens in the state is established. On the basis responsibility as potential contributors of private pension funds: the financial failure of the population majority to make contributions to the pension fund; underdevelopment of the Ukraine stock market; the lack of clear guarantees for facilities safety and the low public confidence level in the non-state pension provision; awareness lack about benefits participation in NPF; responsibility transposition for future pension ensuring in the state is definedof sociological research identified the main objective factors of low social population. Strategic priorities of subjects social responsibility of social security is defined
Authors and Affiliations
Т Zavora
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