Sociodemographic and health profile of construction workers of Central India: A cross sectional study.


Background: Occupational hazards contribute to morbidity and mortality of millions of people worldwide and result in the ill health or disablement of hundreds of millions more each year. Working on a construction site or even being in the surrounding areas of where construction work is being done can be very detrimental to the human body. So the rationale of this study is to understand the sociodemographic and health profile of the construction workers. Methodology: Cross sectional study was carried out at construction site in Central India between August 2014 to July 2015. Sample size was 335, total 350 workers in selected construction sites were enrolled in the study for analytical purpose. Results: In the study 252 (72%) were male and 98 (28%) were female construction workers. Mean age of the study subjects was 28.40 ± 9.25 years. Maximum 257 (73.42%) were Hindu, 219 (62.57%) were married. Socioeconomic status of 168 (48%) of the study subjects was class III. 177 (50.57%) were unskilled workers. Most prevalent morbidities found to be Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder 19.43% followed by respiratory morbidities. Conclusions: Total 350 construction workers were part of the study and no construction worker was below 14 years of age. Most prevalent morbidities was musculoskeletal (19.43%) followed by respiratory (18%), digestive (10%), circulatory (9.43%), skin (8.29%), Injuries (6.28%) and eye and adnexa (1.43%). Statistical significant difference was seen in educational status, category of workers and gender. Also morbidities such as respiratory, circulatory, skin and injuries are found to be statistical significant with category of workers.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Ketan R,


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How To Cite

Dr. Ketan R, (2018). Sociodemographic and health profile of construction workers of Central India: A cross sectional study.. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), 3(12), 243-249.