Sociology of Dwelling in Contexts: Homeless houses, chosen space adaptation by homeless individuals
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2018, Vol 19, Issue 4
Presented work contains materials collected throughout the years of scientific peregrinations that combine an anthropological and a sociological work. Research methods including a participial observation and interviews allowed to isolate specific ways of adaptation to available places and no-places (Augé 2011) among which, the use of abandoned buildings, trailers, summer houses, hideouts, forests, parks and sand dunes was present. The idea of works is explained by Marc Augé as a definition of “transit” it claims that adapted by homeless people places are transitional and not permanent and thus have a transit nature. In each situation faced by a homeless person, beside the process of adaptation to a new and unfamiliar situation, the people tried to make the new reality more “home like”. Presented material is a frame work that shows a structure of homelessness in terms of banishment and migration. It also consists a celebration an idea of “home” and “household”. However, this part is only and emphasis of the meaning of place and its adaptation by homeless people.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Roland Dobrzeniecki-Łukasiewicz
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