Socjalizacja i edukacja polityczna, jako ważne determinanty kultury politycznej
Journal Title: Cywilizacja i Polityka - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 16
It is recognized that politics is a part of social life, that is why it is also a part of culture. In this the political culture became in the second half of the twentieth century the subject of analyzes of the political scientists in the world and in Poland. In connection with this, political culture was perceived as a component of culture in the literal sense through the prism of all material and non-material creations of the social life. It has become an incentive to expand the definition of the political culture with such components as the political institutions and the system of socialization and political education. The aim of this was to strengthen the democratic political system by shifting from individual to general social elements.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Piwnicki
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