Soil concentration of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons around the Petrochemical Plant in Płock in 1987–2006
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2009, Vol 41, Issue 1
The Petrochemical Plant Orlen S.A. in Płock was constructed in the 1960s as one of the largest objects of this type in Europe. The facility was unfortunately located among agricultural areas. In the 1990s the plant implemented a number of investments aimed at lowering pollutant loads released to the environment. There is no information, however, whether these investments were successful in decreasing soil pollution with tar substances and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and raising the security level for agricultural production within the area. The aim of the research was, therefore, to provide this information. The research was conducted within the agricultural area around the plant. Soil samples were collected in the north-eastern direction from the facility, at fi ve research points at: 1 km, 3 km, 6 km, 12 km and 18 km distances. Concentration of tar substances and PAHs was evaluated and compared with the data from 1987. The results show that PAH emissions from the plant decreased due to the aforementioned environmental investments, which in turn resulted in a signifi cant drop of PAH concentration in soils in around the plant (1–3 km). Nevertheless, their level is still high (especially 1 km away from the refi nery) when compared with uncontaminated sites.
Authors and Affiliations
Leonard Indeka, Zbigniew Karaczun, Grażyna Obidoska
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