Solar Radiation Estimation under Clear Sky Conditions for Brasov Area (Romania) - Models Performance Estimation
Journal Title: RECENT - Year 2012, Vol 13, Issue 36
The literature in this field offers a high number of models for estimating total solar radiation, because the world's most weather stations measure total solar radiation. However, it must be mention, diffuse radiation estimation models are few and these can be applied only to a specific geographic and climate location of which these have been determined. This paper proposes the determination of solar radiation estimation models (diffuse, direct and total components) for the urban area of Brasov. In this respect, the achieved study proposes a unitary approach of the solar radiation components modelling, in order to obtain models that can be used together. It is taken into account the fact that, in literature, models for estimating solar radiation are studied only for one component of it (often total radiation); thus the combination of direct radiation patterns with those of diffuse radiation, leads to high estimation errors. Models performance is analyzed using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the Mean Bias Error (MBE), the Mean Percentage Error (MPE) and t-statistic.
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