Solvent Vapour-Sensitive Activated Carbon Submicrofibres Based on Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Fibre Mat

Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2015, Vol 23, Issue 4


Precursor polyacrylonitrile submicrofibres with a diameter of about 900 nm, electrospun from polyacrylonitrile/dimethyl sulfoxide (PAN/DMSO) solution, were carbonised and chemically activated. These submicrofibres, characterised by a porous structure more developed than in the case of standard fibres, were investigated as solvent vapour sensors. Sensitivity to vapours of four different fluids: methanol, acetone, benzene & toluene at a low concentration of 200 ppm, was studied directly for fibres and for ones in a prototype textile multilayer system. In experiments the electrical conductivity of carbon fibres was utilised. The response time and sensority coefficient, indicating quantitative changes in electric resistance due to contact with the solvent vapours, were estimated. The activated carbon submicrofibres are characterised by sensitivity, a very short response time not longer than 20 s, stability, and selectivity in relation to vapours of polar and non-polar solvents. The sensitivity to vapours of polar solvents is higher than that to those of non-polar solvents.

Authors and Affiliations

Eulalia Gliścińska


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How To Cite

Eulalia Gliścińska (2015). Solvent Vapour-Sensitive Activated Carbon Submicrofibres Based on Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Fibre Mat. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 23(4), 96-102.