Some Aspects of Waste Management on Ships
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
In this article negative displays of the navigation that harm to marine environment are analyzed. The positions of the scientists to this problem are researched. A policy of general dumping, waste minimization and processing is proposed. In accordance with the general discharge policy, pollutants can not be disposed of in an improper manner, and the permitted discharges must be reduced by minimizing waste and recycling them. Policies for general discharge; waste minimization and processing have been proposed. An analysis is made of the authorities of ship's officials on the management of waste and garbage on board. In the case of a malfunction of the waste treatment equipment, efforts must be made to equip the vessel in such a way that the individual refuse of the waste treatment equipment has had a minor effect on the whole waste treatment operation. For the main equipment at the waste recycling plant, must be installed back up equipment. Practical recommendations are given for equipping the vessel, in the event of a malfunction of the waste treatment equipment. The process of documenting measures for handling waste and garbage on board is described. Ways of solving problems of improper management of waste and garbage on ships are suggested. MAROL 73/78 has established a direct prohibition of pollution of the marine environment. Adoption of the MARРOL 73/78 allows to control the dumping of waste, debris, harmful substances from ships.
Authors and Affiliations
Ирина Леусенко, Iryna Leusenko, Ірина Леусенко
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