Some echo diagnostic parameters in the grey-meadow soils of the Northern Mugan zone in Azerbaijan
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 6
The article presents a brief description of the physical–geographical location of the study area. Geomorphological, geological conditions of formation, climatic conditions and analysis of grey–meadow soils of Northern Mugan are given. Standard methods for determining organic and mineral substances in soils were used, all data were statistically processed. It is certain that the nitrogen content under winter grains in the upper 0–25 cm layer of soil was 32.51 mg/kg, and in the lower horizon — 28.47 mg/kg. Under cotton, the nitrogen content is 30.75–26.42 mg/kg, under alfalfa — 44.76–40.52 mg/kg, which is probably due to the nitrogen-fixing physiology of the plant itself. The results of diagnostic indices and the current eco–meliorative state of grey–meadow soils both under cultural plantations and on virgin lands are analyzed. Recommendations for further use are given.
Authors and Affiliations
K. Nuriyeva
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