Some notes on the concealment of the classical philosopher
Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2012, Vol 20, Issue 2
Review of: Paul Johnson, Socrates: A man for our times
Authors and Affiliations
Titus Techera
Review of: Paul Johnson, Socrates: A man for our times
Titus Techera
Publicitatea și administrația publică sub presiunea eticii
Review of: Sandu Frunză, Publicitatea și administrația publică sub presiunea eticii Iași: Lumen, 2015, 252 pages, ISBN 978-973-166-399-9
Violența la locul de muncă asupra imigrantelor românce din Sicilia
The present study aims at analyzing the violence acts faced by Romanian immigrants in Italy at work. Most times, the Italian press was focused on reported assaults committed by Romanian immigrants and neglected abuses th...
Some notes on the concealment of the classical philosopher
Review of: Paul Johnson, Socrates: A man for our times
The migration flow from a historical perspective. Case study: Romanians from Italy 1990-2010
Migration is not a new phenomenon. Starting with the modern era, and continuing with the contemporary one, migration slowly became a means helping the development of capitalism. Due to market competition and to the need...
Current Perspectives on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The paper focuses on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, on the possible implications in solving the conflict by the European Union, who has played a significant role in the context of the Middle East Peace Pr...