The reviviscence of a sacrament denotes a situation when a valid but unfruitful sacrament becomes fruitful (confers grace) after some time. The classic understanding of the reviviscence of sacraments was focused on the q...
From the perspective of Aquinas’ Biblical commentaries, the article develops the reflection on pignus / arra haereditatis (Eph 1:5) seeing these essential elements of Thomas’ reflection on salvation in the terminological...
The present article was my attempt to present the natural theology (scientia divina) of St Thomas Aquinas in a more analytical and metaphilosophical way. The collected material allows us to distinguish Aquinas’s two appr...
The position of Saint Thomas, defining sacrament as a particular kind of sign, was a certain novelty in his time. This article presents a new translation of quaestio 60 from the Summa Theologiae into Polish, preceded by...
This paper presents several examples of the preaching of major Observant preachers and the images they employed in Tuscany, and particularly in Florence. The intention of the paper is to demonstrate the power of art in d...
„Skutecznościowy” i „relacyjny” aspekt odżywania sakramentów
The reviviscence of a sacrament denotes a situation when a valid but unfruitful sacrament becomes fruitful (confers grace) after some time. The classic understanding of the reviviscence of sacraments was focused on the q...
The Earnest of Our Inheritance (Eph 1:5): the Biblical Foundations of Thomas Aquinas’ Soteriology
From the perspective of Aquinas’ Biblical commentaries, the article develops the reflection on pignus / arra haereditatis (Eph 1:5) seeing these essential elements of Thomas’ reflection on salvation in the terminological...
Aquinas's Scientia Divina
The present article was my attempt to present the natural theology (scientia divina) of St Thomas Aquinas in a more analytical and metaphilosophical way. The collected material allows us to distinguish Aquinas’s two appr...
Kwestia o sakramencie jako znaku z Summy teologii Tomasza z Akwinu (STh III, q. 60). Wprowadzenie i przekład
The position of Saint Thomas, defining sacrament as a particular kind of sign, was a certain novelty in his time. This article presents a new translation of quaestio 60 from the Summa Theologiae into Polish, preceded by...
Images of Preachers in Italian Art and Sermons
This paper presents several examples of the preaching of major Observant preachers and the images they employed in Tuscany, and particularly in Florence. The intention of the paper is to demonstrate the power of art in d...