Special Features Of The Land-Use Organization Of Ukrainian Protected Areas


The article is devoted to the issue of solving the important problem of finding effective methods for organization of land-use in protected areas. Effective economic development is not possible without the organization of rational use and protection of land. An important role in this process is played by land management and land use, which allows through a system of legal, engineering and technical, economic and legal measures to organize environmentally and economically feasible land-use, to ensure effective organization of the territory and allocation of production. The importance of the present research topic is caused by the need to find some scientifically sound methods of organizing optimal land-use system within the nature-protected establishments and to develop mechanisms and tools to ensure effective environmentally safe utilization of land resources of the protected areas. The aim of the article is to consider and analyze the special features of the organization of land-use processes in protected areas of Ukraine. In the context of the stated aim, the following main tasks were identified: - to study the current state of development of territories and objects of the nature-protected fund of Ukraine; - to analyze the legal regime of lands of the nature-protected fund; - to consider special features of the organization of land-use on territories and objects of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. The study of the current state of objects and territories of the nature-protected fund of Ukraine, in particular in the organization of land-use of reserves, demonstrated that in modern conditions an active work is being done to create new territories and objects of the nature-protected fund; inventory of land plots, where the protected areas and objects are located, is conducted, as well as the specification of their areas and borders; also works on establishment of borders in field are being completed. The notion "land of nature-protected fund" was analyzed as a number of lands that are provided to the object of nature-protected fund for permanent use. The order of land-use on territories and objects of the nature-protected fund was characterized. The analysis of legal regime of lands of the nature-protected fund determined that the regime of utilization and protection of lands depends on the categories of nature-protection territories and objects located on them. The lands, on which are located nature reserves, monuments of nature, protected tracts, reserves, are characterized by a unified legal regime, which in turn is divided into protected and reserved regimes. For the lands, on which other nature-protected objects are located, very common is a differentiated legal regime within the established functional zones. Also it has been identified that there exists a contradiction between efficient land use and prevention of all possible negative effects from the economic activity, and it should be provided for a gradual reduction of destabilizing processes and elements in relation to land resources and for an increase, first of all, aiming at ensuring conservation and reproduction of soils. The analysis of the organization of the land-use regime of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve allowed identification of the following zones: core zone, buffer zone, zone of anthropogenic landscapes and zone of regulated protection regime. A special part of the CBR is the transition zone, which includes state forestry enterprises, located directly in the area of activity of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. This part of the biosphere reserve has no special protection status and is created with the aim to implement the concept of sustainable development. Land use on this territory is organized in the usual way, without any special legal restrictions. The entire territory of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, which has a nature-protection status, together with the newly formed territory of sustainable development (transition area) with an area of 136.9 thousand hectares, form an integral object of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, without fragmentation, with a high ecological connectivity and integrity on the area of 195 thousand hectares. All these clusters have a classical zoning, meaning that they include core zones, which are surrounded by buffer zones, separating them from the transition area or the external boundaries of the biosphere reserve. Land-use on this area is organized in accordance with the international classification of protected areas and the requirements established for the relevant nature reserves.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Rybak


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  • EP ID EP692553
  • DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/zemleustriy2020.02.09
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How To Cite

M. Rybak (2020). Special Features Of The Land-Use Organization Of Ukrainian Protected Areas. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 2(9), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-692553