Specifics of productivity formation of brоwn mustаrd sowings
Journal Title: Новітні агротехнології - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 5
Purpose. To find out the specifics of productivity formation in brоwn mustаrd at the different ways of sowing, timing of sowing and seeding rate under the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe. Methods. During the research, typical methodologies for research in agronomy were used. Results. The results on the peculiarities of the productivity formation in brоwn mustаrd are given. The content of dry matter in plants was determined by the main macrostages of brоwn mustаrd development. The most active accumulation of dry matter in plants occurs during the period of active growth (stem development – flowering) and somewhat slower at the end of the vegetation. The largest amount of it at all stages of development was noted on the crops of the second period of sowing. Reducing the dry matter content of plants in the third term was primarily due to the reduction of the vegetation period, as well as the increase of potassium content, which increases the concentration of cellular juice, osmotic pressure of cells, their moisture content, thereby reducing the dry matter content of the plant. It was found that the weather conditions of 2016 were more favourable for the growth and development of brоwn mustаrd. The average yield of the crop was higher by 0.1–0.32 t/ha as affected by the experimental treatment compared to the results of 2015 and 2017. The highest yield was obtained at the combination of seeding rate of 2.0 million seeds per hectare and a linear method of sowing. In the years favourable for the development of the crop, sowing rate can be reduced to 1.5 million seeds per hectare. Analysis of the data suggests that the oil content is largely affected by the timing of seeding, and to a lesser extent, by the seeding rate and seeding method. Conclusions. The maximum dry matter and the highest yield of brоwn mustаrd was formed when sowing in the I–II decade of April by the typical seeding method at the soil temperature of +6–7 °C and a depth of 10 cm and the and a seeding rate of 2.0 million seeds per hectare. When seeding was carried out in a broad-row way, the seed rate should be 1.5 million seeds per hectare. The maximum yield of oil per unit area was provided by the usual routine method of sowing in the I–II decade of April and the seed rate of 2.0 million seeds per hectare.
Authors and Affiliations
A. V. Yunyk
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