
Розглянуті історичні аспекти становлення та розвитку спортивно-художніх вистав як жанру видовищного мистецтва. Розкрито особливості режисури масових спортивно-художніх свят в процесі їхньої підготовки і охарактеризовано специфічні засоби виразності цього жанру. Визначено структуру та основні етапи організації спортивного свята. The article deals with sports and art events not only as an effective means of physical activity and motivation to engage in sports activities, but also as a means of aesthetic education and meaningful leisure. Prerequisites of historical formation and development of sportive direction are indicated, functions of sports events in the social and cultural space are grounded. Various views of scientists on the classification of forms of sports and art events are characterized. The expediency of classification into the following forms: mass sporting and artistic gymnastics performances, mass sportive and art performances at stadium, sporting and art performances, thematic performances, sportive concert, fitness events outdoor, fitness events in summer camps, fitness performances with independent program on the club scene is grounded. The determined specificity of sportive and art events proves their ability to expand communication borders, to reveal physical and spiritual potential of individuals and to provide ease and accessibility perception of mass audience. The following specific characteristics of the genre of sportive and art performances at stadium are considered: the protagonist of the play is the mass of participants, venues, momentariness of celebration, combination by director of screenwriter functions and specific conditions of assembling have an effect on peculiarities in staging a sportive event, provide it with entertainment and festivity. The author characterizes a specific set of expression methods inherent in sportive and art performances (mass exercises (free, current, pyramids), structuring and restructuring, solo and group numbers, art background), which are caused by specific organizations and conducting sportive events, the level of development of physical culture and sportive direction. Particular attention is paid to the specificity of using art background (live screen), which since the mid-50s of XXth century, became the unchanged effective means of expression that helps to disclose figurative themes and ideas of sportive event. It is indicated that only planned in a good time hard work of the members of the director and stage director group, as well as administrative group is able to provide the adequate sportive and art success of the event. The hierarchical structure of organization of mass sportive and art events, as well as the list of documents necessary for ensuring the proper work of the committees are determined. The views of experts on the main stages of work for preparation and holding of sportive and art events are considered. The necessity of their distribution on major stages: preparatory, organizational (rehearsal), stage of implementation and final stage is proved. Peculiarities in preparation of each stage are registered and monitored by responsible persons entrusted with specific functions and powers. The analysis of the fulfilled work provides the possibility to make the conclusion that despite the dynamic transformation processes in a Ukrainian society, sportive and art performances will continue to remain a visible means of agitation of bodily and spiritual improvement of people.

Authors and Affiliations

Kateryna Gaidukevych


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How To Cite

Kateryna Gaidukevych (2016). СПЕЦИФІКА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ МАСОВИХ СПОРТИВНО-ХУДОЖНІХ СВЯТ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(11), 68-78. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432869