Spectrum of Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeries in Rural India: A Retrospective Study

Journal Title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Year 2019, Vol 7, Issue 2


Background: Today, laparoscopy is one of the most common surgical procedures performed by gynaecologists because of being safe and minimally invasive. Short hospital stay, reduced morbidity, quick mobilization and comfortable postoperative period are main advantages of the laparoscopic technique. Aim: 1. to study incidence of laparoscopic surgeries out of total major Gynaec surgeries in rural india. 2. To study varieties of laparoscopic surgeries in rural setup. 3. To study various indications of Laparoscopic surgeries. Material and Methods: The present Retrospective Observational study was conducted in the OBGYN Dept, CCM MC, Kachandur, Durg (Chhattisgarh) in 810 women between January 2014 to June 2018 (54 months). After inserting camera through primary port, quick evaluation of whole abdominal cavity was undertaken by rotating 300 camera through 360 degrees to rule out any adherence of bowel and decision made for inserting secondary 5 mm ports through small incisions under direct vision. Results: Out of total 4128 major gynaecological surgeries 810 patients underwent gynaec laparoscopic surgeries i.e. 19.62%. Out of total 810 surgeries, maximum 570 (70.37%) cases were of Operative & 240 (29.63%) cases were of Diagnostic Laparoscopy. Out of total 58 cases of Diagnostic Laparoscopic only maximum 48 (82.75%) cases were of Chronic Pelvic Pain & Chronic PID. Out of total 570 cases of Operative Laparoscopy maximum 247 (43.33%) cases were of TLH followed by Lap Cystectomy (16.67%), LTT (08.42%), Lap Myomectomy (06.31%), Ectopic Pregnancy (06.14%), Lap Adhesiolysis (05.09%), Lap TO Mass Removal (03.68%), LAVH (3.51%), Lap Sacrocolpopexy (02.46%) Lap Resection of Adenomyoma (01.75%), Lap Wertheims Hysterectomy (00.88%) & minimum both of 3 cases (00.53%) were of Embedded CuT Removaol and Vaginoplasty by Davydov’s Technique. Conclusion: It is very important to understand that in our rural set-up minimal access laparoscopic surgeries are not only feasible but very safe, effective, short hospital stay & not so costly as a both diagnostic and operative tool.

Authors and Affiliations

Poonam Ghormode


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  • EP ID EP626700
  • DOI 10.21088/ijog.2321.1636.7219.14
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How To Cite

Poonam Ghormode (2019). Spectrum of Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeries in Rural India: A Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(2), 202-208. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-626700