Specyfika, efektywność i kierunki polskiej polityki zagraniczej
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2016, Vol 33, Issue
At a time when Polish became a full member of EU, it started to specify its objectives and determined the process of their implementation. This situation caused a shock and a reluctance in many circles of Western political class, which were unaccustomed to contact with Warsaw like real member of EU. This period was undoubtedly difficult and it can be described as painful for both sides during the confrontation with reality. Poland ceased to be just a supplicant, and the main EU state accepted it reluctantly. 2005-2007 years (Partia Prawo i Sprawiedliwoscść was at the power that time) were undoubtedly a period of revealing the practical significance of the new Polish political position in Europe, obtained on the basis of full membership in the EU and enhancing the political changes in the CIS area, that were caused by the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Three facts – Polish accession to the European Un-ion, the Ukrainian revolution and the institutional reform of the EU – determined the current policy objectives of the Republic of Poland and created new opportunities for her.
Authors and Affiliations
Dominika Rosłoń
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