Spiritual Well-Being and Parenting Stress in Caring for Children with Neuro-Developmental Disorders
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 1
Caregivers of children’s with neuro-developmental disorders face challenges starting from resistance and denial, and such challenges may be likely to impact their Well-being. The present study explores the relations between spiritual well-being and parenting stress when parents faced with a crisis like caring for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. A convenient sample of 38 parents who reared 3 to 12-year-old children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental issues was part of the study. Parental Stress Index -Short Form (PSI/SF; Abidin, 1995) and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS; Ellison & Paloutzian, 2009) were used to obtain a measure of the variables chosen. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to find out the significance of relations between spiritual well-being and parenting stress. Also, thesignificance of themean difference between the gender groups in relation tospiritual well-being and parenting stress was analysed using Independent Sample‘t’ test. Findings reveal a significant negative correlation between spiritual wellbeing and parenting stress, and it also shows that there is no gender difference in relation to parenting stress and spiritual well-being among parents. The findings indicate that spiritual wellbeing might act as a buffer of parental stress and can play the role of a protective factor against parenting stress for life challenges. It also shows that there might be no gender differences in parents’ experience of stress and spiritual wellbeing, but slight mean differences show a higher stress and spiritual wellbeing among mothers than fathers.
Authors and Affiliations
Nithila Mariam Roy, K. Sreenath
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