The article presents an analysis of the ethical views of Bernard Rollin, an American zoologist
and philosopher who examined how the education about the moral status of animals has been
affected by the so-called scientifi...
Parents who are to confront a disabled child expect that they will be provided with a wide range of specialists such as doctors and therapists and that they will be given a lot of support coming from the environment sinc...
In the presented text, the author compares the cultural contexts of producing discourses of memory in Poland and Russia. Accepting the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, he looks at cultural events in Russia, which he...
According to the latest edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA
et al. 2014), validity is still the most fundamental construct in educational measurement. The
new edition, like the previo...
The article presents the results of research regarding the diagnosis of primary and secondary
school students’ abilities in respect of two operations identified by Joy P. Guilford: convergent
production and divergent pro...
The negative impact of scientific ideology on education about the moral status of animals
The article presents an analysis of the ethical views of Bernard Rollin, an American zoologist and philosopher who examined how the education about the moral status of animals has been affected by the so-called scientifi...
Opinie rodziców na temat jakości współpracy oraz wsparcia uzyskiwanego w procesie terapeutycznym ich dziecka z niepełnosprawnością. Raport z badań
Parents who are to confront a disabled child expect that they will be provided with a wide range of specialists such as doctors and therapists and that they will be given a lot of support coming from the environment sinc...
Metonimie wojny w Polsce i Rosji. O pamięci w warunkach postapokaliptycznych
In the presented text, the author compares the cultural contexts of producing discourses of memory in Poland and Russia. Accepting the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, he looks at cultural events in Russia, which he...
Standardy trafności pomiaru
According to the latest edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA et al. 2014), validity is still the most fundamental construct in educational measurement. The new edition, like the previo...
Zdolności wytwarzania konwergencyjnego i dywergencyjnego uczniów szkoły podstawowej i gimnazjum
The article presents the results of research regarding the diagnosis of primary and secondary school students’ abilities in respect of two operations identified by Joy P. Guilford: convergent production and divergent pro...