The article deals with a problem of constructing computer retrieval systems based on the use of natural language. Those kind of systems differ from the classical ones and relay on the idea that the user should have the p...
The article presents the impact of European Union law on the development of supra-local self-government structures in Poland. In the literature, it is estimated that the self-governmental reform of 1998 assuming the esta...
Biobanks for research purposes legal regulation is currently under debate. An
important issue discussed is protection of the personal data collected in the biobank,
including genetic data and other health data. This subj...
The axiological fundaments of criminalisation of certain human behaviours are set out in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Their application is problematic, especially in the case of crimes and petty offences r...
The article presents current development trends related to European regulations concerning agricultural property trade. The legal instruments proposed by the European Parliament and the European Commission, which which a...
Searching Legal Information Using a Natural Language
The article deals with a problem of constructing computer retrieval systems based on the use of natural language. Those kind of systems differ from the classical ones and relay on the idea that the user should have the p...
Wpływ prawa Unii Europejskiej na polską politykę regionalną
The article presents the impact of European Union law on the development of supra-local self-government structures in Poland. In the literature, it is estimated that the self-governmental reform of 1998 assuming the esta...
Biobanki w dobie Big Data z perspektywy prawa konstytucyjnego
Biobanks for research purposes legal regulation is currently under debate. An important issue discussed is protection of the personal data collected in the biobank, including genetic data and other health data. This subj...
Uzasadnianie kryminalizacji na wybranych przykładach przepisów pozakodeksowego prawa karnego sensu largo
The axiological fundaments of criminalisation of certain human behaviours are set out in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Their application is problematic, especially in the case of crimes and petty offences r...
Mechanizmy prawne ochrony rolnego charakteru nieruchomości w świetle rezolucji Parlamentu Europejskiego z dnia 27 kwietnia 2017 r. w sprawie aktualnego stanu koncentracji gruntów rolnych w UE: jak ułatwić rolnikom dostęp do gruntów?
The article presents current development trends related to European regulations concerning agricultural property trade. The legal instruments proposed by the European Parliament and the European Commission, which which a...