Спогади Олександра Олексійовича Карпекіна про Глухівський учительський інститут міжреволюційної доби / Memoirs of Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Karpekin about Hlukhiv teachers institute in the inter-revolutionary period
Journal Title: Історичні студії суспільного прогресу - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
In this article the second part of O. O. Karpekin’s memories who was 1910 graduate of the Hlukhiv teachers institute has been published for the first time. In his memories the author systematically reflects his stay in the institute walls from the entrance examinations to after-institute studies at Moscow University. There is an extensive teaching experience in the analysis of entrance examinations, marked not only the consistency and form of exam (oral or written), but the nature of problems with the law of God, Russian language, mathematics, singing and more. For example, a teacher of God’s Law A. Milovydov drew attention to the philosophical questions of Christian doctrine, and Russian language teacher J. Savitsky diagnosed level of knowledge of grammar, syntax and so on. O. O. Karpekin also notes the importance of knowledge of music and singing when joining the institute. Students of the institute of post-revolutionary era were described quite interesting. O. O. Karpekin noted that the participants were ages: from the family to the boys. Student multiculturalism was specified, which was presented by Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. Institute directorate of 1907 – 1910 years is depicted in relief. For example, P. O. Milovsky is shown as a man who was badly prepared for managerial activities in the pedagogical institute. Instead, it is noted a significant contribution to the development of the institute by his successor, M. S. Hryhorevsky, who returned the authority to the institute of the A. Byelyavsky and I. Andrievsky days. M. S. Hryhorevsky’ “Revolution” swept all outsiders of its life: from the redevelopment and repairs of an area at the institute to assert a discipline among pupils. O. O. Karpekin noted that the new director was an excellent scholar, familiar with the achievements of European and American psychology and pedagogy. However, the author of memoirs did not forget the authoritarian, even repressive methods of the new leader managing. A large part of memoirs is dedicated to the characterization of the teaching staff of the alma mater. Thus, the author noted the high level of Russian language teacher E. O. Fevralyov, singing teacher M. I. Stratonovych, education teacher M. S. Hryhorevsky, God’s law teacher A. I. Milovydov, drawing teacher V. A. Mokhov. In turn, O.O. Karpekin critically and even ironically described professional skills of Russian language teacher M. Ya. Kompan, history teacher Ya. M. Kutyr, natural history teacher S. O. Krylov, education teacher P. O. Milovsky
Authors and Affiliations
Vitalii Kryzhanivskyi
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