Społeczne i polityczne życie BSSR w czasopiśmie „Bielaruskaja Rabotnіtsa i Syalyanka” („Białoruska Robotnica i Chłopka”) 1924–1939
Journal Title: Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
In this article, the example of the women's magazine "The Belarusian Worker and Peasant Woman" examines the process of reflecting the socio-political life of the BSSR on the pages of printed periodicals. Chronologically, the period is correlated with the date of the establishment of the magazine and the release of the first issue in the light - 1924. The final date - 1939 - in the international context corresponds to the beginning of the Second World War and the reunification of Western Belarus with the BSSR. More than 90 numbers with a thematic sample of different years are analyzed. An analysis of the information content of the magazine "Belarusian worker and peasant woman" showed that during 1924 - 1939, the editorial board of the journal changed its confession in the approach to public and political life coverage and, accordingly, the role of women in it, depending on the internal and external situation - from the processes of collectivization and industrialization, the fluffy visualization of illiteracy and repressive politics to military rhetoric associated with the intensification of Nazi Germany and the fascist bloc in 1933 - 1939 years.
Authors and Affiliations
Alesya Korsak
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