Sponsorship In the light of Islamic teachings ( A special study ) کفالت - اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ) ایک خصوصی مطالعہ)
Journal Title: Al Bahis research journal of Islamic sciences - Year 2020, Vol 2, Issue 1
Man needs many things to live. Bread, water, clothing, housing, education, employment and marriage are basic human needs. It is the responsibility of parents, society and the state to provide for them. In common parlance it is called Sponsorship(کفالت) and he who fulfills it is called Sponsor(کفیل ). Islam urges every dutiful person to fulfill his responsibility. I have tried to prove this in the light of Islamic teachings in my article. Islam seeks to build a society based on well-being, co-operation and peace and security. He wants a society in which the basic needs of every individual are met and every member of the society lives his life in safety. Islam has made some members of the society responsible for the welfare of others in order to ensure the attainment of welfare. And he promised a reward for their encouragement. I sincerely hope that the present article will be useful for the betterment of the society.
Authors and Affiliations
Khurum Shiraz PH. D. Scholar department of Islamic Studies Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan ( AWKUM) Muhammad Fayyaz Ph. D. Scholar Department of Comparative Religion and Islamic culture, Universtity of Sindh Jamshoro
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