Sporządzenie nowego aktu urodzenia dla dziecka, w przypadku obalenia domniemania jego pochodzenia od męża matki. Uwagi na tle art. 67 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 28 listopada 2014 r. – Prawo o aktach stanu cywilnego


The Act of November 28th 2014 – Law on Civil Status, was introduced on March 1st 2015. The Polish legal system and the institution ruling the new legal framework governing civil status registration referring to the issuance of a new birth certifi cate for a child whose mother’s husband denies the child’s paternity. The new normative explained in the legislation refers to the possibility to protect personal information and is based on matters relating to child adoption. However, this does not mean that finally introduced uniformly adjustment. The Act allows to blur the formal functioning in relation to that child’s past, the presumption of origin of the mother’s husband (for a complete argumentation, refer to the content of art. 67 of the Act). The judicial competences for the preparation of such document ceded equipped courts welfare and warrants, since the action of the Court of denial of paternity in relation to the child. But in order to properly understand and apply the new institution, one must first discuss some formal legal distinctions which emerges from the basis of a literal reading of the Act, and without distinction which might arises such as practical discrepancies. Th erefore, it is reasonable to attempt to explain and determine who actually and in what particular conditions, legal and factual, yet how can the benefits of the legislative innovations are to be used. Only then there is a chance to answer whether a raison d’etre involves a wider practical application of the regulation contained in art. 67 paragraph 1 of the Act. In turn this may have potential meaning within the Polish legal reality in regards to the presumption of origin of the child from the mother’s husband.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Tomasz Kartasiński


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Paweł Tomasz Kartasiński (2016). Sporządzenie nowego aktu urodzenia dla dziecka, w przypadku obalenia domniemania jego pochodzenia od męża matki. Uwagi na tle art. 67 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 28 listopada 2014 r. – Prawo o aktach stanu cywilnego. Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego, 0(1), 65-86. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-188562