Australia holds a particular place in the world history of a compulsory voting. It is of one
of the first countries which has decided for the implementation of the mentioned idea. The results
of this decision have turned...
a legal determinant of democratic elections. It presents arguments for including this principle
among the basic principles of election law, and thus for considering it as one of the fundamental
legal “pillars” or the gua...
Patryk Kowalski (2017). Sprawozdanie z obchodów Światowego Dnia Wyborów, Toruń, 2 lutego
2017 roku. Studia Wyborcze, 0(),
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Sprawozdanie z obchodów Światowego Dnia Wyborów, Toruń 1 lutego 2018 roku
Przymus wyborczy w Australii
Australia holds a particular place in the world history of a compulsory voting. It is of one of the first countries which has decided for the implementation of the mentioned idea. The results of this decision have turned...
Wyniki wyborów prezydenckich, parlamentarnych i referendów na świecie w okresie od 1 kwietnia do 30 września 2016 roku
Uczciwość wyborów jako zasada prawa wyborczego
a legal determinant of democratic elections. It presents arguments for including this principle among the basic principles of election law, and thus for considering it as one of the fundamental legal “pillars” or the gua...
Polska bibliografia wyborczo-referendalna za 2015 rok