Sprawozdanie/Report: XVII Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Retorycznego, Retoryka i pieniądze, 22-23.11.2018, Warszawa
Journal Title: Res Rhetorica - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 1
sprawozdanie z konferencji
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Kiryjow-Radzka
Mythic Incantations of American Empire
American empire is sustained by the mythic incantations of rhetorical rituals constituting an attitude of war. The discourse of empire consists of dead metaphors that lend a sense of necessity and inevitability to war by...
Rhetoric as Philosophy of Language. An Aristotelian Perspective
This paper sustains that rhetoric can be a fruitful way of practicing philosophy of language. The starting point is a suggestion drawn from the work of the Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito. According to Esposito, one...
Retoryka dramatu socrealistycznego na przykładzie "Zwycięstwa" Janusza Warmińskiego, "Zwykłej sprawy" Adama Tarna i "Brygady szlifierza Karhana" Vaška Kani
This sketch is dedicated to analyzing the rhetoric of socrealistic drama on the example of "Zwycięstwo" by Janusz Warmiński, "Zwykła sprawa" by Adam Tarn and "Brygada szlifierza Karhana" by Vašek Kania. In those texts th...
Rhetoric in Italy. Editors: Bruno Capaci, Maria Załęska
The rhetoric of gender role reversal – strong female characters in the American revisionist western
This article investigates gender role reversal in the feminist revisionist Western film by exploring the notion of reversal (peripeteia). First, it demonstrates features of classical Western on the example of John Ford’s...