Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ «малой прозы» У. С. Моэма и Дж. Фаулза


In this article we tried to compare the writing manner of two famous English writers – S. Maugham and J. Fowles. At first, we described S. Maugham’s short stories and main realistic arguments given by him. Then we showed using the same ideas by Fowles. We noted that S. Maugham used realistic picture of characters but Fowles preferred modernist manner of writing. Finally, we gave the description of artistic techniques used by writers in short stories. An outstanding English writer, a paradoxical thinker, John Fowles like Somerset Maugham became famous for his novels «The Magician», «The Collector», «The Magus», and «The Mistress of the French Lieutenant». A skillfully twisted plot, a mysterious, magical or mystical atmosphere, penetration into the depths of the human psyche – that’s what attracts in the works of this artist, and it still makes him popular in the West (more than ten years after his death). At the same time, he made a definite contribution to the «small prose». According to the goal we carried out the critical analysis of the novels united in the cycle «The Tower of the Black Tree», having found out that there were many similarities in them. Like S. Maugham, Fowles writes that in the modern European society, the harmony of people’s inner world is broken. At the same time, the prose writer, inclined to realistic reflection of characters and circumstances, through the jungle of general disorder and chaos, showed not only a painful reaction of a person to current events, but also tried to reproduce the whole personality, having confirmed his intentions with unambiguous and firm conclusions and generalizations.

Authors and Affiliations

И. К. Алескерова


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  • EP ID EP433759
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-44-50
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How To Cite

И. К. Алескерова (2018). Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ «малой прозы» У. С. Моэма и Дж. Фаулза. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 44-50. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433759