Środowiskowe aspekty wzrostu ruchu lotniczego w europejskiej przestrzeni powietrznej

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 2


The purpose of this article is to present the aviation influence on the environment and climate changes, environmental preservation legislation concerning increasing impact of air traffic and mitigating activities undertaken within the air traffic management modernization programme within the EUMember States. Aviation is another human factor harmful to the environment in connection with the release of gaseous and particulate pollutants and the deterioration of acoustics in vicinity of airports. Due to the steady increase in air traffic intensity, it is necessary to take various actions that will gradually reduce the negative effects of the change both on the environment and climate changes on a global scale. The standards and recommended practices (SARPs) are included in Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and in the Community Law as well as the Polish Law. In addition to the emissions trading system (EU ETS), which is a key component of the present EU strategy on reducing the dimate change impact of aviation, a com-prehensive package of instruments that restrict this effect also includes operational and technological measures. Most projects fall within the scope of Community programmes in the modernisation of the European air traffic management system (SES and SESAR) and related greening initiatives (Clean Sky, AIRE).

Authors and Affiliations

Telesfor Marek Markiewicz


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How To Cite

Telesfor Marek Markiewicz (2010). Środowiskowe aspekty wzrostu ruchu lotniczego w europejskiej przestrzeni powietrznej. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2010(2), 60-83. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-72198