
У роботі визначено основні фольклорні тенденції в пісенній культурі кінця ХХ ст. початку ХХІ ст. Обґрунтовано гіпотезу щодо фольклорного розмаїття пісенної культури України даного періоду в регіональному розрізі. Abstract. In the context of globalization and information of society in the twenty-first century a specially important issue becomes saving of ethnic identity of the nation, its cultural characteristics. This allows people to clearly identify themselves in the world, and therefore to build their own path of development. Ethnic identity is manifested primarily in the use of elements of folk culture in general, and its elements in particular. Therefore, the study of folklore part in ukrainian song culture of the end of the twentieth and the beginning of twenty first centuries as an expression of creative people, reflecting their life, attitudes and ideals, is important. The paper identifies the main trends in folk song culture from the late twentieth to the beginning of twenty first centuries. The hypothesis is about the diversity of folk song culture of the Ukraine in the given period in regional perspective. In the last third of the twentieth century the trend to a more detailed study of the relationships of different forms and levels of complex meta-system “folklore - contemporary art”was intensified. The musical component of song culture evolves regions by providing specific genres and vocal styles with a specific subject, manner of execution and forms of polyphony. Folk music of Polessya has the characteristics of an authentic performance, contrapuntal intertwining voices in singing, nonsinging unstressed syllables in the final sound, extremal finish which are extended in ending abruptly at an increased tone of uncertain height of vocalization consonants, including hissing, rhythmic chopping, iodations and others. Multidisciplinary diversity of folk art represented the South land of Cossacks, recruiting, burlatskii, naymytskymy, orphanages, migrant and equally as much lyrical and domestic, humorous songs and dance. Many of them are imported from various regions of Ukraine, but eventually became the characteristic features of the local tradition The article defines the concept of folklore and Ukrainian folk song. The author found that despite significant improvements in folk studies, the detailed analysis of folklore part in Ukraine‟s song culture of the late twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first centuries are not conducted. Also it is argued that variety of folk song culture of Ukraine of the late twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first centuries in the regional context, defined thematic, genre, instrumental, rhythmic and stylistic features. The author investigated the interpenetration of stylistic features of folk songs in the regions of Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrey Furdychko


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How To Cite

Andrey Furdychko (2016). СТАН ДОСЛІДЖЕНОСТІ ФОЛЬКЛОРНОГО ПЛАСТУ В ПІСЕННІЙ КУЛЬТУРІ УКРАЇНИ КІНЦЯ ХХ СТ. ПОЧАТКУ ХХІ СТ.. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(12), 96-105. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433319