Stan układu przedsionkowego u pacjentów z twardziną układową
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 3
SUMMARY Objectives: In systemic sclerosis (SSc) there may occur hearing and balance disorders as a result of the immune-mediated inner ear damage, the etiology being vasculitis and fibrosis. The objective is the vestibular organ evaluation in patients with SSc regarding their prevalence and relationship to duration of the disease and Raynaud phenomenon and also to type and severity of SSc. Material: Twenty unselected, consecutive patients with diagnosed SSc, complying with international diagnostic criteria of the American Rheumatism Association (1982), were enrolled into the study. The control group consisted of 26 otologically healthy persons matched to the SSc group for age and sex. Methods: In all patients the questionnaire about audiovestibular history, otolaryngological examination, static and dynamic vestibular tests and the electronystsgmography (ENG) were performed. The patients were investi-gated with the electronystsgmography (ENG) for spontaneous, positional and caloric-induced nystagmus. Also visual ocular-motor tests were performer. Results: In the anamnesis 65% of patients reported vertigo, 55% — headaches, 50% — tinnitus, 40% — hyperacusis, 40% — hearing loss and 30% — ear full-ness. Vertigo, dizziness balance disturbance and uncorrect results of Romberg and Utenberger tests were more frequent in patients with vestibular organ lesion. Abnormalities in vestibular organ in SSc patients were fund in 14 (70%) persons — the central type of lesion -8 (40%), mixed type in 3 (15%) and peripheral in 3 (15%). Conclusions: Ear involvement is frequent in systemic sclerosis and should be taken into consideration during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Maciaszczyk, Tomasz Durko, Elżbieta Waszczykowska, Bożena Bartkowiak-Dziankowska, Anna Pajorl, Magdalena Józefowicz-Korczyńskal
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