The conversion of the Uniates to the Latin Catholic rite occurred with the introduction of the Union Church. Initially, it concerned Russian nobility, which thus obtained equality and ennoblement. Over time, also peasant...
This paper attempts to demonstrate symmetry and asymmetry in the adoption of foreign origin units in the linguistic systems of Polish and Russian. The in-depth analysis is dedicated to the category of number. Beginning w...
In the Russian linguistic image of the world the concepts of MOSCOW and THE
PROVINCES constitute an opposition since they are placed on two distant valuerelated
poles. It seems that in the linguistic awareness there is n...
Dyskurs wokół konwersji unitów na północnym Podlasiu w latach 20. i 30. XIX wieku
The conversion of the Uniates to the Latin Catholic rite occurred with the introduction of the Union Church. Initially, it concerned Russian nobility, which thus obtained equality and ennoblement. Over time, also peasant...
Gramatyczna kategoria liczby dla słów obcego pochodzenia w ujęciu konfrontatywnym polsko-rosyjskim
This paper attempts to demonstrate symmetry and asymmetry in the adoption of foreign origin units in the linguistic systems of Polish and Russian. The in-depth analysis is dedicated to the category of number. Beginning w...
Концепты Москва и Периферия в русской языковой картине мира (на материале детективной литературы)
In the Russian linguistic image of the world the concepts of MOSCOW and THE PROVINCES constitute an opposition since they are placed on two distant valuerelated poles. It seems that in the linguistic awareness there is n...