Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
У статті розглянуто історію становлення та розвитку антрепризних театрів у культурному просторі України. Визначено стан діяльності сучасних антрепризних театрів та проаналізовано їх репертуар. Зроблено загальний огляд ролі антрепренерів у театральному процесі. Ключові слова: історія, розвиток, антреприза, антрепренер, вистава, театр, театральні трупи, сцена, репертуар, п’єса, актор, режисер, театральна форма, театральний продукт, глядач, прем’єра, декорація, культура. In the conditions of modern theatre culture one can observe the rapid development of the combination theatre companies of Ukraine. The mentioned theatres took their place of honour and, by no aspects, concede to repertoire theatres (although the entreprise is always in a fierce competition with other forms of theatrical activity; it tries to attract its viewer, offering interesting and innovative ideas of directors). Nowadays, the combination theatre company is not only the appearance of new forms, but it is also a separate spectrum of problems for scientific research, due to the lack of practical coverage of most aspects of national entreprise development in the Ukrainian historiography. All these aspects determine the actuality of this problem, and hence, at the same time, the relevance of this article. The article deals with the history of the formation and development of the combination theatre companies in the cultural space of Ukraine. The state of activity of modern combination theatre companies and their repertoire are analysed. A general review of the role of entrepreneurs in the theatrical process is made as well. The main stages of the development of the combination theatre companies of Ukraine are highlighted, trends of their activity at the present stage are clarified and the features of the entrepreneur's work are revealed. Being based on the analysis performed, it was found that in the cultural discourse of Ukraine, the combination theatre companies took their place of honour and by no aspects concede to repertoire theatres. First, they build their repertoire policy themselves, second – combination theatre companies take into account the interest of audience above all. And third, they allow actors, directors, artists, composers and other creative individuals to be realized. It is highlighted, that the tendency of activity of combination theatre companies at the present stage is to find new forms of theatrical expression, genre experiments, and the use of new technologies for advertising. However, in contemporary society, theatrical art is experiencing fierce competition of new forms. This, unfortunately, affects the quality of theatrical products. Being based on a general overview of the historical activity of entrepreneurs in Ukraine, it can be argued that the peculiarity of their work is to create a high-quality theatrical product from the first step (plan) to the last one – the presentation to the viewer. The article highlights the fact that the quality of such performances primarily depends on the internal culture of an entrepreneur, since he chooses a team for producing a theatrical product and, thus, is the face of contemporary and future culture in Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Yulia Gapchuk
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