This study analyzes the discussions pertaining to unification and the characteristics of the unification movement during the Roh Tae Woo regime, in power during the early post-Cold War era. More to the point, this articl...
The summer season of 2014 has been a boon for fans of the cinematic
genre of Korean historical drama or period pieces (sagŭk). Three blockbuster productions with sizable production budgets, ranging from 12 to 20
The Chosŏn society was one in which the yangban (aristocracy)
wielded tremendous power. The role of women in this society was
influenced greatly by the yangban class’ attempts to establish a patriarchal
family order a...
The excavation of Paekche refugee epitaphs has increased in the 21st century. Among them, the epitaphs of the Ye (禰) family are valuable materials to understand the fall of Paekche, Paekche refugee activity, and their n...
Established during the Japanese protectorate period, the censorship system lasted throughout the colonial period as well. Therefore it is necessary to examine such censorship system as part of Japan’s colonization policy...
EP ID EP26274
Views 437
Downloads 29
How To Cite
Youngkyo Oh (2003). State of Research on the Latter Period of the Chosŏn Dynasty. International Journal of Korean History, 4(1),
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The Development of the Discussions on Unification during the Early Post-Cold War Era : Competition and Coexistence between the Government and Nongovernment Sector
This study analyzes the discussions pertaining to unification and the characteristics of the unification movement during the Roh Tae Woo regime, in power during the early post-Cold War era. More to the point, this articl...
A Whirlpool of History: Roaring Currents between A Determined War Film and A Deifying Biopic
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Low-class Commoners during the Koryŏ Dynasty
The Chosŏn society was one in which the yangban (aristocracy) wielded tremendous power. The role of women in this society was influenced greatly by the yangban class’ attempts to establish a patriarchal family order a...
The Native Origins of the Paekche Refugee Ye (禰) Family and the Background of Their Activities in the Tang Dynasty
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Textbook Inspection and Censorship in Korea during the Protectorate Period: A Study of Inspection Copies of Textbooks Compiled by the Young Korean Academy
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