The Treacherous is a film based on “ch’aehong (採紅, chaehong),” a historical affair through which ten thousand women of beauty were taken into the palace in the eleventh year of the reign of Yŏnsan’gun (Yeonsangun) in...
Now the history of Kaya is not an 'Enigmatic History' any longer and it is recognized as one independent research field in the research of ancient Korean history. This paper will introduce, in five categories, the resear...
The war between Koryŏ and Mongol lasted over forty years from 1231
to 1273. The Mongol Empire was a worldwide empire gaining the
mastery of Eurasia as well as the Continent of China. Upon its destruction
of Jin Dynast...
Ancient documents are of great value as historical materials. This is
because they vividly reflect images of society and everyday life during
traditional eras. Over the past twenty years, Korean academics have paid
EP ID EP26274
Views 426
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How To Cite
Youngkyo Oh (2003). State of Research on the Latter Period of the Chosŏn Dynasty. International Journal of Korean History, 4(1),
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Period Films in the Postmodern or the “Enjoy!” Era
The Treacherous is a film based on “ch’aehong (採紅, chaehong),” a historical affair through which ten thousand women of beauty were taken into the palace in the eleventh year of the reign of Yŏnsan’gun (Yeonsangun) in...
Recent Research Trends on the History of Kaya in Korea
Now the history of Kaya is not an 'Enigmatic History' any longer and it is recognized as one independent research field in the research of ancient Korean history. This paper will introduce, in five categories, the resear...
The Formation and Transformation of the Awareness of a Common Cultural Identity in 19th Century Chosŏn
同文意識은 漢字를 공유한다는 의식으로서 그것의 기원은 『中庸』의 “書同文”에서 찾을 수 있다. 이것은 통일제국의 면모를 보여주는 것으로서 일체화된 세계의 의미로서 주로 사용되었다. 書同文이 제국과 함께 출현하였던 것은 이러한...
The Focal Issues in the Historical Study of the Koryŏ’s Resistance against Mongol
The war between Koryŏ and Mongol lasted over forty years from 1231 to 1273. The Mongol Empire was a worldwide empire gaining the mastery of Eurasia as well as the Continent of China. Upon its destruction of Jin Dynast...
Measures to Stimulate the Study of the Chosŏn Era Using Ancient Documents : With a Special Focus on Microhistorical Methodologies
Ancient documents are of great value as historical materials. This is because they vividly reflect images of society and everyday life during traditional eras. Over the past twenty years, Korean academics have paid cl...