State of the Art in the Field of Hardware Implementable Image Resizing Applications
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 6
Image zooming is a principal image processing operations. JPEG methods are acceptable standards while it is among lossy methods, but still produce acceptable quality outcome. Zooming deals with resizing images in search of details, increased resolutions, for optics, printing or generic image processing 4,1 . The uses of image interpolation are generic viewing of online images up to the magnification of satellite imagesThis paper presents a review of all the prevalent techniques for zooming of images. Lot of appreciable work has already been done in this field. Our objective is to review the prevalent work and look for a better alternative. We concluded that bulks of the algorithms are based on traditional methods, but we have shifted our focus to adaptive methods. The traditional methods have many issues, and they have been discussed here. The paper has reviewed most of the interpolation based techniques along with real world examples. However, there isn’t much relevant literature on adaptive zooming methods. Many interpolation algorithms currently being used commercially produce magnifications that include undesirable issues like blurring, jaggies and ghosting, and that’s why we need a more comprehensive interpolation technique that can eradicate these flaws. Mohd Sadiq Abdul Aziz | Dr. Bharti Chourasia "State of the Art in the Field of Hardware Implementable Image Resizing Applications" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: Paper Url:
Authors and Affiliations
Mohd Sadiq Abdul Aziz
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