State Population Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis L.) in Conditions Sugrudy Kiverzivsky Forestry Volyn Region


Purpose. The study of ecological and biological and environmental features cenotic growth of C. majalis (L.) in terms of forestry suhrudy Kivertsi Volyn region. Methods. Field, biometrics, statistics. Results. Researched environmental growing conditions lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis L.) in conditions sugrudy Kiverzivsky forestry. The characteristic species as one of the dominate species of grass-bush tier. Installed forest floristic composition of plant communities featuring species.Analyzed the «age» and «ontogenetic population structure» on the basis of the determination ontogenetic spectrums and types of populations.Described the impact of lighting on morphometric parameters aerial organs of C. majalis L.: width and length of the leaf blade, the number of flowers and fruits. Conclusions. The sugrudy conditions of population C. majalis (L.) is not complete spectra that belong to normal and invasive types. The light level is not significantly affect the morphometric parameters of the leaf blade, flowering and fruiting, and the state of the population C. majalis (L.) and its development depends, first of all, on the internal rhythms ontogenesis and human impact.

Authors and Affiliations

O. S. Muzychenko


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How To Cite

O. S. Muzychenko (2016). State Population Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis L.) in Conditions Sugrudy Kiverzivsky Forestry Volyn Region. Людина та довкілля. Проблеми неоекології, 0(3), 75-82.