State regulation of the financial services market in the context of european integration
Journal Title: Наукові записки Інституту законодавства Верховної Ради України - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 2
The article is devoted to the problems of state regulation of the financial services market in Ukraine as a combination of a wide range of relations in order to meet the existing and form the perspective needs in insurance, banking, investment services in order to receive incomes by institutional units of the financial sector of the economy, to meet consumer demand. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of state regulation of the financial services market in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the article is to determine that among the primary actions of the state authorities regarding the reform of the state regulation of the financial services market of Ukraine should be: improvement of regulatory and legal regulation; introduction of world experience and international standards; the establishment of clear legal boundaries of the influence of sectoral supervisory bodies or the formation of a qualitatively new model of regulation of the financial services market. Conclusions. The main reason for the creation of the mega-regulators in the financial markets is the globalization and the rapid cross-border capital inflow, which, on its own scale, may disrupt the market equilibrium and lead to a disequilibrium of the economy of a particular country. The sectoral regulators union will be able to eliminate the duplication of regulatory functions, to save government resources for their maintenance. At the same time, today in Ukraine it is important to preserve the functional bodies responsible for specific segments and sectors of the financial market. Effective regulation of the financial market in Ukraine should develop within: the designation of the target model of the financial sector regulators functioning; the ordering of non-banking institutions activities, in particular non-bank financial service providers; development and implementation of consumer protection system for non-bank financial services; restructuring of the stock market infrastructure, in particular centralization of depositary functions and opening of an account in the depositary of the NBU to international depositaries.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Doronina, N. Kryshtof
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