Static load test curve (Q–s) conversion in to pile of different size


In the work authors analysed possibility of obtaining static load tests curve for a pile in case of changed diameter, using load curve based on results of static load tests for given diameter. In calculation analysis authors used Meyer–Kowalów (M-K) method. A mathematical description was shown of determining new M-K curve for a pile with changed diameter, taking as a basis original M-K curve obtained from static load tests. Then an example of calculations is presented in which parameters of M-K model for a new curve were determined. Simulation calculations were carried out in the original computer program, the results of which includes load curves for piles with different diameters and relations between diameter changes, limit load capacity and settlement of a pile.

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  • EP ID EP594991
  • DOI 10.2478/sggw-2018-0014
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How To Cite

ZYGMUNT MEYER, KAMIL STACHECKI (2018). Static load test curve (Q–s) conversion in to pile of different size. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 50(2), 171-182.