Statistical Assessment of the Capital Dynamics of Industry in Ukraine: Inter-regional Comparison
Journal Title: Статистика України - Year 2017, Vol 76, Issue 1
Rational formation of production facilities in the industrial sector constitutes a priority competitive advantage and factor for its competitiveness. The article’s objective is statistical assessment of technological activity in the industrial sector of Ukrainian regions, to highlight patterns of formation and dynamics of fixed assets. The indicator with critical impact on the dynamics of capital in Ukraine over the period under study is “growth rate of non-current assets”. Of the Ukrainian regions in 2015, the high dynamics of capital in the industry was recorded only in Myko- laiv region. The regions with the medium dynamics of capital can be divided into three subgroups. The first subgroup covers the regions with high shares of non-current assets in the total industrial assets and high growth rate of non-current asset s. The second subgroup includes the regions with medium or high shares of non-current assets in the total industrial assets but low growth rates of non-current assets. The third group includes the regions with high shares of non-current assets in the total industrial assets in parallel with negative growth rates of non-current assets. The regions with the low technological activity can be broken into two subgroups: the first one covers regions with medium shares of non-current assets in the total industrial assets and low growth rates of non-current assets; the second one covers regions with medium shares of non-current assets in the total industrial assets and negative growth rates of non-current assets. The results demonstrate recovering of dynamics of capital in the industry in Southern regions of Ukraine (Mykolaiv and Odesa regions), and in part of the Western regions (Volyn, Transcarpaty, and Chernivtsi regions), in Vinnytsia region, along with its essential decline in Dnipropetrovsk region and three Western regions (Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, and Ternopil regions).
Authors and Affiliations
L. Yo. Sozanskyy
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