Statistical Delimitation of the Profile of Local Elections Candidate – An Applied Statistics Research
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2014, Vol 62, Issue 7
This article devoted to the delimitation of candidate profile, by means of an opinion survey representative of various categories of voters placed in the same area or locality, vitally depended on the perception of the people the questionnaire-based research was addressed to, on the categories of questions, solutions and interpretations that are most likely to be targets of the reader’s interest; they were presented in the kind of language that all of them are used to, thus aiming to maximize the utility and impact of the research through its usefulness, and anticipating its regular resuming, as well as a permanent adequacy of the form, and even the style of the paper.
Authors and Affiliations
Gheorghe SĂVOIU, Emil BURTESCU, Marian ŢAICU
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