Statistical Methods for Studying the Heredity of Haemophilia in Animal and Plant Populations

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2015, Vol 63, Issue 11


The present paper proposes a mathematical model for the evolution of haemophilia, which is a hereditary disease transmitted through the X chromosome (one of the two sex-determining chromosomes). The evolutions of the probabilities of the next generations are given by the formulas in Table 5 and Table 10. This evolution was computer-simulated in order to verify the mathematical model.

Authors and Affiliations

C. Anghel, M. Boldea, A. Cojocariu, Ofelia Sofran


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How To Cite

C. Anghel, M. Boldea, A. Cojocariu, Ofelia Sofran (2015). Statistical Methods for Studying the Heredity of Haemophilia in Animal and Plant Populations. Revista Romana de Statistica, 63(11), 63-80.