Status nasciturusa w polskim porządku prawnym – wybrane aspekty prawne
Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 3
In this article was analyzed the regulations relating to nasciturus status in the polish legal system. Nasciturus, ie. conceived and unborn child, has a number of rights, which result primarily from the legislation, and sometimes also from the judiciary. The article consists of four subchapters as well as introduction and conclusion. As first a term nasciturus and an essence of conditional legal capacity were explained. This issue is connected with the problems presented in second subchapter concerning on nasciturus status in the inheritance law. The ability to inherit is a part of legal capacity. Thanks for this attribute nasciturus may be a heir of property included in inheritance. Nasciturus get this property, if he/she will born alive. In a next subchapter was indicated the rights of nasciturus, which result from the regulations of family law. In a last subchapter the criminal-law protection of conceived child was presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Król
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