Status of consumer beans production in Poland in 2004–2017 and health-promoting properties of seeds (Phaseolus ssp.)

Journal Title: Agronomy Science - Year 2018, Vol 73, Issue 4


The paper presents the status of consumer legumes production in Poland with particular reference to beans based on GUS data and studies from 2004–2017. Total area of consumer legumes in Poland fluctuated significantly and amounted to 27.3 thousand ha in 2008 to 91.0 thousand ha in 2015. The share of bean cultivation in this period was on average the highest amounting to 43.5%, for consumer pea 39.8%, and the lowest for broad bean 4.9%. Total production of consumer leguminous seeds showed a wide variety – from 56.4 thousand t in 2008 to 180,000 tons in 2016, and since 2010, there has been a clear upward trend in the production volume. The production of consumer bean seeds has also increasing since 2010 – from 33.4 thousand t to 59.6 thousand t in 2016. Health-promoting properties of bean seeds result from high content of dietary fiber, starch, group B vitamins, mineral components – potassium, calcium and magnesium with alkaline-forming properties and polyphenol compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) showing, among others, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-hepatotoxic, choleretic and antimutagenic properties.

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  • EP ID EP454103
  • DOI 10.24326/asx.2018.4.6
  • Views 24
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How To Cite

HELENA ŁABUDA, HALINA BUCZKOWSKA, AGNIESZKA NAJDA (2018). Status of consumer beans production in Poland in 2004–2017 and health-promoting properties of seeds (Phaseolus ssp.). Agronomy Science, 73(4), 61-71.