Stereotyp seksbomby w świetle wybranych realizacji filmowych i danych ankietowych
Journal Title: Conversatoria Linguistica. Międzynarodowy Rocznik Naukowy - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 0
Abstract: This paper presents the stereotype of a sex bomb in the cinema in rela-tion to actresses and their film roles. The opening chapters explain the term stereo-type, focusing especially on the sex bomb stereotype and how it has functioned in the cinema. Film stars that are known for their sex appeal and are considered sex bombs, are presented. The paper then focuses on finding the use and motive of a sex bomb creation in films. The last chapter describes the survey that was conduct-ed to investigate the extent to which the sex bomb stereotype functions nowadays. The findings allow to evaluate how the stereotype has been evolving and whether the characteristics assigned to it have changed.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Wielgosz
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