Straits used for international navigation: some aspects of determining the legal status and regime
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4
The article highlights the main approaches developed by science and law enforcement to define the criteria for the categorization of the straits as being used for international navigation. The most appropriate ones are determined. Proposals have been made to resolve the situation surrounding the construction of the bridge over the Kerch Strait, as well as to determine the legal status of the Kerch Strait and the regime of navigation therein. The authors note that one of the possibilities for resolving the situation around the Kerch Strait is to convene an international conference to determine the regime of navigation in the Kerch Strait (Kerch-Yenikale Channel), during which: -bilateral treaty between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the use of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait from 24.12.2003 will be denounced; -the interested parties will be involved (the states whose flag vessels navigate through the strait and also have the access from the Caspian Sea to the Azov through the Volga-Don Channel, given that the Caspian, Azov and the Black Sea can be characterized as enclosed or semi-enclosed seas (art. 122, part IX UNCLOS 82) and taking into account UNCLOS 82 rules on the need of cooperation of States bordering such seas (art. 123 of part IX UNCLOS 82) -agreed treaty on the regime of navigation by the Strait on the basis of one of the leading principles of the Law of the Sea - freedom of navigation, will be developed. The authors conclude that the problematic issues of freedom of navigation in straits used for international navigation have been attracting the attention of both scientists and interested States for many years. The latter, while agreeing on the conditions for the use of Straits, pass on their disputes to international bodies, but in the end they still come to a consensus and resolve contentious issues on a bilateral basis. With regard to the issues that Ukraine is facing in relation with the construction of the RF bridge through the Kerch Strait, it is now more urgent than ever to harmonize at the international level issues related to the definition of the legal status of the strait and the regime of navigation therein, which, in the opinion of the authors, is possible only if an international conference is convened.
Authors and Affiliations
Сергей Кузнецов, Татьяна Аверочкина, Sergiy Kuznetcov, Tetiana Averochkina, Сергій Кузнецов, Тетяна Аверочкіна
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