Strategi Kendali Kadar Nitrat Berbasis Fuzzy-PID pada Proses Nitrogen Removal di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah
Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
The rising of water pollutant level leads to the rising of nitrogen level in water ecosystem. It triggers eutrophication phenomenon that harmful for water ecosystem. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is the solution to resolve the water pollution problem. Controlling the nitrogen level is not an easy task, due unpredictable microorganism behavior in biological reactors. This research utilizes BSM1 simulator model to simulates the control strategy of nitrate level. The manipulation of internal recirculation is the method to control nitrogen level. The Fuzzy PID-based nitrate controller produces less nitrogen and ammonia than PID-based nitrate controller. The proposed control strategy succeeded in reducing nitrogen and ammonia level by 0.17 mg N/l (0.99%) and 0.1 mg N/l (3.4%). The level of energy consumption also decreased by 193 kWh in 14 days
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