Strategia cen wysokich w transporcie lotniczym

Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 212, Issue 10


World economic development and the associated increase in the wealth of some social groups create favorable conditions for the growing demand for services of the highest quality, comfort and luxury. The development of this process demonstrates that elitist passenger service is increasingly embracing the full complex of its needs. Therefore, it often starts with the place of residence and does not end at the destination port but is still in the vicinity of the destination. High level of luxury is served both at the port VIP lounges, on board aircraft, in the subsequent phases of the travel process and on the destination, which make up the rest of the vacation. The implementation of such a customer service model involves a higher price level. The purpose of this article is to indicate in which air transport rim is used and what functions meets the high price strategy. Research on this issue was conducted using the diagnostic survey method using the author’s questionnaire survey.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Hawlena


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How To Cite

Joanna Hawlena (2017). Strategia cen wysokich w transporcie lotniczym. Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 212(10), 53-59.